Rescue Me! Dachshund RomaniaRomania Dachshund Rescue

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Romania Dachshund Rescue
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Rescue Me ID: 11-11-16-00027Sara (female)

Dachshund Mix    Age: Young Adult

Compatibility: Good with Most Dogs, Good with Kids and Adults 
Personality: Average Energy, Average Temperament 
Health: Spayed, Vaccinations Current 

    My name is Sara, I'm a 4 years old teckel,short brown hair, very happy when someone is playing and takes long walks with me. I'm very affectionate and I love to be spoiled. About cats - I like to chase them. Just a little ! I'm eager to find a mommy and a daddy!

     Animal Location:

Bucharest, Romania, Romania Romania

Contact:Anca Moldoveanu EMAIL

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Rescue Me ID: 11-09-26-00005Sarma (male)

Dachshund    Age: Young Adult

Compatibility: Good w/ Most Dogs, Not Good w/ Cats, Good w/ Adults (Not Kids) 
Personality: Average Energy, Submissive 
Health: Needs to be Neutered, Vaccinations Current, Fearful/Anxious 

    PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POST! WE WILL INSTANTLY REFUSE POTENTIAL ADOPTERS IF THEY ASK QUESTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN ADRESSED BELOW. We are putting up for adoption a male wire Dachshund, about 5 years old, named Sarma (read: Surmuh, wire in Romanian) which we rescued from the local shelter 6 months ago. He's very affectionate and generally a sweetheart. He'd love to sit on your lap all day and watch TV with you. He will never soil the house (provided he gets walked 3 times a day) He will handle being left alonefor up to 8-10 hours just fine, without destroying the house, crying or whining. The dog knows a few commands like 'sit', 'stay', ... (Read More)'wait' and is generally very polite. He's used to sit quietly when I put the leash on before walks or while waiting for his meal. Sarma does not see all too well due to having suffered from a bad case of Mange during the winter of 2010, which he was lucky to survive. The dog hates cats and poultry, but since he's a hunting breed... can you blame him? He's also not very good with small children, is quite picky when choosing his dog friends. Therefore he would be ideal for a quiet couple (maybe an elderly one) without children or with older children of 13-15 years of age or older, with no cats or poultry. He loves to run and sniff the millions of scents, so he would be (as would we) very happy to find a family with a yard. We live in Arad, Romania but we are willing to send the dog to his new home in another country, provided that the prospective owner is of exceptional quality. The reason we are giving the dog away is that we live in a small apartment, we work a lot and do not have the time and energy to care for this dog as he should be cared for. We love him very much and it's with great sorrow that we do this, but we hope that it will be in his best interest. That is why we ask potential adopters to answer a few questions and/or show us where they live and where the dog would live. If you cannot or will not, do not bother contacting us. We are in no rush at all to give the dog away so we will do our best to find the best owner for him, even if it takes us six months. (Less)

 Adoption Fee: $0 Animal Location:

Arad, Arad Romania

Contact:Radu Dumitrescu 0040721538615EMAIL

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PIease Read Before Adopting a Dachshund in Romania
    Dachshund Dogs can make good pets in Romania if they match your IifestyIe. The Dachshund is a long, short-legged dog with a temperament similar to that of a terrier. Dachshunds are cheeky, playful, mischievous, and resistant to training or discipline. Dachshunds do well with older children. Dachshunds are well suited to apartment life but need exercise, and it is important that they not be overfed as this breed is prone to weight gain.

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
lnteresting Dachshund Trivia Romania Fact Sheet
    Dachshunds are good travel companions. The short legs of a Dachshund are well suited for digging and getting inside badger burrows. Queen Victoria was fond of Dachshunds.

Related pages:

Dachshund Rescue

Romania Animal Rescue
    Romania is Iocated in Europe and spans across approximateIy 91,000 square miIes. The population of Romania is about 22 million. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Threatened species known from Romania include the Mediterranean Monk Seal and European Mink. Most peopIe in Romania speak Romanian.
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